Layout Using Kabbalah Cards to Explore Your Work for the Month of Tishrei
How To Use the Kabbalah Cards
This is how to apply these cards to your individual life challenges.
- Shuffle the cards faced-down.
- Spread them out into a fan.
- Read the the first position in the Layout - ask the question and pull a card randomly from the deck and place it faced-down in the first position.
- Repeat #3 for each of the next positions in the Layout.
- Go back and turn over each card, one at a time and write it down on the Layout Handout.
- Fill out the rest of the Layout chart for each card.
You can create an affirmation based on the card's meaning to help you through this month on the Jewish calendar. The Layout chart is a way to record the things that happen to you and the new insights that come to you during that specific month. Each Layout is tailored to the themes of that particular month's lessons. There is a place on the chart to journal or write down what happens to you and your new insights each week based on the meanings of the cards.
Purchasing Kabbalah Cards Order Kabbalah Cards Here -Optional, Not Required for Class
Creating a Layout is Optional
You don't need to purchase a deck of Kabbalah cards in order to learn everything you need to know for this course.
Kabbalah Cards can help you:
- Apply the Lessons in the course to your life.
- Have a visual for learning specific concepts.
- Easily learn one holiday or concept per day by focusing on one card.
What's in the deck of Kabbalah Cards?
- 12 Months on the Jewish Calendar
- Jewish holidays
- Kabbalah concepts - like the Tree of Life
Allison Gilbert created and designed these cards in order to help people to easily learn and apply Judaism and Kabbalah to their lives.